Election 2020: Meet Mike Freeman, the Republican running for Weld County Commissioner representing District 1
By Kelly Ragan
Mike Freeman
Mike Freeman is the Republican candidate running for Weld County Commissioner District 1. He’s running against Democrat John Shull.
Freeman currently holds the seat and has served as commissioner for eight years.
Weld County’s Board of County Commissioners is made up of five members. Two commissioners are elected at-large, meaning everyone in the county gets to vote on those seats. The other three are elected by those who live in the districts they represent. Once voted in, commissioners serve a four-year term. In Weld, commissioners can serve for up to three consecutive four-year terms.
What do commissioners do?
If you think of a county like a business, commissioners would be the managers. They’re in charge of the high-level stuff.
They are responsible for levying taxes, deciding how those tax dollars are spent, overseeing county programs and managing the budget of said county programs.
Weld commissioners hold public meetings at 9 a.m. every Monday and Wednesday at the Weld County Administration Building, 1150 O St.
The NoCo Optimist sent a questionnaire out to local candidates who will appear on the Weld County ballot. We will publish them as candidates respond. Answers have been lightly edited for clarity.
Why did you decide to run for office?
I decided to run for office because I wanted to bring my extensive agricultural background and previous board experience to represent Weld County. I am a lifetime Weld County resident and want to continue to work to make Weld the most successful county in the State.
What issues are most important to you?
Sustaining agriculture production
Transportation infrastructure
Continued economic growth
If elected, what are the top three things you’d like to accomplish?
Provide certainty and sustainability for the oil and gas industry.
Maintain Weld County’s fiscal stability. No long-term debt, no short-term debt, no sales tax and one of the lowest property tax mill levies.
Continued infrastructure improvements.
How do you plan to do so?
I plan to continue to assist in the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission rule-making process and assert our 1041 powers in surface rights granted to Weld County under SB-181.
Long-range budget planning and conservative decisions regarding spending that continue to make Weld County fiscally sound.
Working closely with Public Works on our Capital Improvement Plan and Long-Range Transportation Plan.
What relevant, previous experience do you have?
8 years as a County Commissioner
4 years on the Aims Community College Board
8 years on the Highland Re-9 School Board
5 years on the Colorado Association of School Boards Board of Directors, including as the 2005 State President
What skills, training, resources, and expertise do you feel you have to offer?
Leadership experience, agriculture and business experience, BS from Colorado State University.
What would you most like voters to know about you?
I am lifetime Weld County resident, and I am committed to Weld County and its continued success. I will be the most experienced county commissioner, and I always listen to all sides before making a decision.