Election 2020: Meet Yara Zokaie, the democratic candidate running for House District 49
By Kelly Ragan
Yara Zokaie
Yara Zokaie is the democratic candidate running for state representative in House District 49. She’s running against republican Mike Lynch.
Republican Perry Buck currently holds the seat, but she is term-limited and can’t run for re-election in this race. Buck is, however, running for Weld County Commissioner.
House District 49 includes Berthoud, Windsor and Timnath. To see the map for yourself, click here.
The General Assembly is made up of 100 members – 35 of those are Senators and 65 of those are Representatives. Senators serve four-year terms. Representatives serve two-year terms.
All members of the General Assembly can serve for up to eight consecutive years in their chambers.
Representatives work to craft and pass bills in the House.
The NoCo Optimist sent a questionnaire out to local candidates who will appear on the Weld County ballot. We will publish them as candidates respond. Answers have been lightly edited for clarity.
Why did you decide to run for office?
I am running to leave a better Colorado for my children. They are my biggest motivation. When my youngest was in the NICU, I was working three jobs to stay afloat. So many people know the feeling of doing everything you can for your family and not being able to catch a break.
It is time we give a voice to often-marginalized groups and pass laws with them in the forefront of our minds. I am fighting to give families and the working class a seat at the table.
What issues are most important to you?
I am passionate about issues that impact young families and the working class – that includes things like paid maternity leave and accessible childcare. It also includes being cognizant of who is most harmed by the downturn economy we are currently experiencing: it is the workers, minorities, the middle class, and small businesses. These are the groups we should be uplifting during this time, not giant corporations.
If elected, what are the top three things you’d like to accomplish?
Coronavirus relief for individuals and small businesses
Paid Maternity Leave
Universal Pre-K
How do you plan to do so?
As a tax attorney, I am very aware of the tax loopholes that giant corporations use to their advantage to cheat the state out of money. It is time we closed loopholes and reset our priorities. This would bring enough money into our state to get my goals accomplished without raising taxes.
What relevant, previous experience do you have?
I am a tax attorney who argues on behalf of small businesses every day. I understand our tax code and what is wrong with it. We are losing our middle class in this state as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I have had enough of seeing families around me suffer though they work hard and do everything “right.”
What skills, training, resources, and expertise do you feel you have to offer?
I understand complex legal issues and our tax code, as well as have firsthand knowledge of the problems facing small businesses in today’s economy. But this is less important than my experience as an everyday mom in a middle-class working family. Our state legislature is meant to be a voice for us, not for giant corporations or special interests. The most important thing I have to offer is that I am a voice for my community. It is why my campaign is 100% grassroots funded – you cannot be a voice for your community and take money from special interest groups and lobbyists.
What would you most like voters to know about you?
You can find out more about me at www.yaraforcolorado.com – my cell is listed on the contact page, go ahead and give me a call if you want to chat. I want to hear from you, and I want to fight for you!