Free webinar on renewable energy in Greeley on April 21. Here’s how to sign up.

By Kelly Ragan

Are you interested in learning more about renewable energy? 

The City of Greeley and Xcel Energy Partners in Energy are teaming up to offer a free online webinar 6 p.m. April 21. The workshop will aim to explain renewable energy opportunities to residents, according to a news release. 

The workshop will cover: 

  • Things to do before investing in renewable energy 

  • Renewable energy options available to Greeley residents 

  • Evaluating the economics of renewable energy 

The webinar series is part of an ongoing engagement between the City of Greeley and Xcel Energy Partners in Energy thanks to the Greeley Energy Action Plan, according to the release. The plan, adopted in 2019 aims to create an affordable and reliable energy future by:

  1. Increasing residential, commercial, and industrial energy efficiency and alternative energy opportunities 

  2. Improving economic health and stimulating growth

For more 

For more information on the Renewable Energy Workshop or to register, go to


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