Glass Half Full: Greeley Grizwalds bring Christmas cheer
A growing crowd gathers around the Greeley Grizwald house Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020. Photo by Joshua Polson.
By Kelly Ragan
The Greeley Grizwalds, famous for the dazzling Christmas light displays they put on each year, are at it again in 2020.
Mike Medhurst, a Greeley firefighter, has gone all out with his Christmas decorations for nearly 20 years. Most years, he starts decorating in October, stringing up some 135,000 lights that sync up to music.
Each year, the display brings a long line of cars that drive slowly around the cul-de-sac to soak up the Christmas cheer.
This year is no different – and maybe we need it now more than ever.
You can see the annual display at the Medhurst home at 354 50th Ave.