Greeley puts $3M down payment on ShurView open space

By Trenton Sperry

The Greeley City Council on Tuesday took a major step toward its plans to create a vast open space and trail system between Greeley and Windsor.

Council met in a special session to commit $3 million toward the purchase of what the city has dubbed the ShurView Property, about 978 acres north of U.S. 34 Business and bisected by Colo. 257. The vote was unanimous, with Ward IV Councilman Dale Hall absent.

The money is considered a down payment to The Trust for Public Land, which will buy the property for $8.5 million on March 31. The Trust plans to lease the area to Greeley beginning May 31, before ultimately conveying the property to the city once The Trust has recouped the full purchase price.

The open space contains Missile Silo Park, which is owned by Weld County. According to city documents, the county has expressed a willingness to lease the site to Greeley for incorporation into the Poudre River Trail system, and that plan already has been drawn up by the trail system’s board.

The property would meet decades-long goal of acquiring a nearly 1,000-acre property between the city and Windsor. City planners have said for that long that land between Greeley and other cities in Weld, what they call “community separators,” was crucial to maintain identities that make the cities special.  

Greeley has secured a $1.25 million grant from Great Outdoors Colorado and a $1.25 million grant from the state’s Land and Water Conservation Fund. The Trust will loan Greeley $3 million at 5% interest, with both parties hopeful a private loan eventually can be secured below the city’s standard bond rate of 2%. The city is preparing to pay back $2 million by 2025, and it’s still coming up with ways to cover the remaining $1 million.

During the meeting Tuesday, Mayor John Gates said Windsor Mayor Paul Rennemeyer opined that Windsor may increase its contribution for the purchase. Previously, council had expressed concern that Windsor’s pledge of $250,000 for the ShurView purchase was too little compared to Greeley’s millions; Gates said it’s possible Windsor increases that share to $1 million to cover the missing portion, although Windsor’s town board still must sign off on any changes.

City staff estimate Greeley will take on $1.2 million in development costs for the property over the first two years, plus $10,000 per year for operations and maintenance. The development costs will be covered by grant funding, and the operating dollars will be covered by grant funds and the city’s existing natural areas and trails budget, according to city docs.

The costs will escalate after that initial two-year period, however. In the third and fourth years, development will run $500,000 per year, according to city estimates, although Finance Director John Karner said that funding level depends on contributions from partners, grants and how quickly or enthusiastically council wants to build out the property’s features. Operations and maintenance are estimated to cost $25,000 per year, although grant funds are expected to blunt some of that cost.

After that four-year period, staff estimate the property will cost the city $100,000 per year, although Ward III Councilman Johnny Olson expressed skepticism that maintenance costs for 1,000 acres of open space will end up that low.

“Maintenance is a lot more than that,” he said.

What’s next

  • The Trust for Public Land expects to close on the property purchase on March 31.

  • Greeley expects to lease the property from The Trust beginning May 31.

  • Great Outdoors Colorado has granted Greeley $75,000 for two years to fund a fellow in the Natural Areas and Trails staff who will focus on public engagement regarding the ShurView project. Greeley will pay the fellow an additional $5,000 per year. Expect that employee’s work to begin soon.

  • Council’s eyes will be locked on the Windsor Town Board and other potential partners, as Greeley races to secure the final $1 million in funding.


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