Need some good news? United Way of Weld County scored supplies to help kids amid COVID-19
United Way of Weld County’s Susanne Gallegos, left, Adriana Carrillo, middle, and Amelia Ritchhart help coordinate and distribute essential baby supplies from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Photo courtesy of United Way of Weld County.
By Kelly Ragan
Need some good news? So do we. There’s nothing like a good story about people helping each other out.
Thanks to a coordinated effort between United Way of Weld County’s Promises for Children initiative and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, families in Weld have access to some much needed supplies.
United Way brought in a total of:
27,416 diapers
5,508 pull-ups
738 packages of wipes
1,200 cans of formula
“These baby supplies are very timely,” said Jeannine Truswell, president and CEO of UWWC, in a news release. “Our staff began to hear of this desperate need several weeks ago from both agencies and individual families. This comes at such a very important time.”
Seven Weld agencies received FEMA supplies they’ll distribute to families in need, including:
North Range Behavioral Health – Family Connects Programs
Nurse Family Partners
Weld County DHS - foster and kinship programs
Hope at Miracle House
Women Infant and Children
United Way of Weld County: family support programs, childcare providers
If you are a family in need or you know one that is, your first step should be to contact your case worker at one of the seven agencies listed above. If you don’t have a case manager, reach out to Amelia Ritchhart at United Way by text at (970) 515-3531 or call her direct office number (970) 304-6174.
How to help
There are some gaps in what FEMA is providing, according to the news release. United Way still needs diapers sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, pull-ups sizes 2-3 T, as well as bleach, Lysol, disinfectant wipes, general cleaning supplies and children’s protective masks.
You can drop supplies off at 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday at United Way, 814 9th St. Call ahead to let United Way know you plan to drop off supplies at (970) 353-4300.