Weld County book lovers rejoice! Your local library is open once again. Here are the rules and what to expect.

By Kelly Ragan

If you missed browsing the shelves for a good book to read this summer, we’ve got some good news for you.

The High Plains Library District announced its doors are open once again.

Here’s what to expect.

Wear a mask

Bring your own if you can (you really should have one by now). But if you forget or don’t have your own, the library will provide one for you, according to a news release.

If you need one-on-one help from library staff anywhere other than the Ask Here desk, you’ll only get it if you’re wearing a mask.  

Keep an eye on the time

High Plains asks you to limit your time in the library to one hour or less. That applies whether you’re browsing for books to check out or using the computers.

If you plan to use a computer, you’ll be limited to one hour per person per day with one person per machine.

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-10 a.m. will be reserved for vulnerable patrons, according to High Plains. If that doesn’t include you, wait a while before going out to get your books.

Keep your distance

The six feet rule still applies, even as businesses and other beloved institutions open back up. In a news release, High Plains asked its patrons to continue practicing social distancing while visiting the library.

What services are still available?  

The nuts and bolts of what libraries offer will be available to you. You’ll still be able to browse for books, use the computers, use WiFi and personal laptops, hold and pick up books curbside or in-library and use the printers.

So, what services are unavailable?

Some of the extra bells and whistles won’t be available due to COVID-19 restrictions. Those include:

• In-depth computer or printing assistance
• Programs (think story times, book clubs, classes, etc.)
• Areas for gathering
• Soft seating (think comfy seats with fabric covering)
• Browsing newspapers or magazines
• Study room or meeting room use

For more information

For more information on hours at specific library locations (we’re still in a global pandemic, they might be funky), go to https://www.mylibrary.us/locations-and-hours/.


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